No One Is You And That Is Your Power
We have all heard cliché sayings when it comes to being original and being ourselves. “What’s meant for you won’t pass you by”. “In a world full of copies, be an original”. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”. “Comparison is the thief of joy”. I could go on and on. We are always told to be original, to embrace our uniqueness, and that each of us has a gift from God to share with the world. However, how often do we navigate as if this is true?
What’s Meant For Me
I believe cliché sayings are valid, but I also believe that most of us do not live our lives as if we believe them to be true. I am guilty of it myself. Yet, when I give pep talks to family and friends I am an encyclopedia of cliché sayings! Isn’t it funny that we tend to have better advice for others than we do for ourselves?
For example, if I am supposed to be the President of the United States of America one day and I work towards it, I will be. When it will happen is unknown and an entirely different blog post. I am confident that there is no one walking the earth that is enjoying the fruits of my labor, sitting in an office that is supposed to be mine, dancing in my spot as a backup dancer for Beyoncé; you name it. Side note: I threw the comment in about being a backup dancer for Beyoncé to see if you were paying attention.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
The Shoe Doesn’t Fit
To clarify, do I believe that another person can work harder than me? Yes. However, I don’t believe that someone can take what is meant for me. If I have a clear vision and I work towards it, I do not believe that someone can come and snatch it from me. Whether it be a job, relationship, accomplishment, recognition, etc.
Seriously. Remember how Cinderella’s stepsisters tried to fit her glass slipper with hopes of marrying the handsome prince? No matter how hard they tried, it did not work. Why? Because the slipper did not belong to them and it was never meant to fit! No matter how much they forced it, the outcome did not change. Do you see where this is going?
Be An Original
Have you ever been like Cinderella’s stepsisters and tried to fit someone else’s shoes? How did that feel? Did you find that it was exhausting to imitate someone or that you were not as successful as the person you were emulating? Of course, because you are trying to be someone else and not walking in your shoes! Even when you copy a successful blueprint it is obvious that it is not genuinely you.
If I begin to talk or dress like someone else I risk losing the parts of me that make me stand out. If I begin copying someone else’s posts on social media, the way that they talk, or the way that they dress; I am not authentic. I always try to set personal goals based on what I want to do, not what I see someone else achieve. Write a book, take a trip, start a blog, start your family, start a YouTube channel, or start a business because you want to.
Being Inspired vs. Copying
Is there such a thing as being inspired by someone and using that to fuel your own goals? Absolutely! I constantly learn tips from my Blogger and Youtuber friends. I also constantly give fashion, hair and beauty advice. However, there is a sharp difference between being inspired and being a copycat. When you copy someone you are saying that you are not good enough and that is an offense against yourself. Be bigger and fill your own shoes, not someone else’s’. You are enough!

“No one is you and that is your power.”
Dave Grohl
Thou Shall Not Covet
I have found that I can measure my actions based on my intent. Am I happy for others when they celebrate success? Do I clap for my friends, even if I have not reached my goals? Do I click the like button on social media when I see people post their happy moments?
We are human and we have all been jealous more times than we would like to admit. With that being said, I can confidently say that being jealous or copying someone has never benefitted me. Never. I don’t know what it took for someone to reach their success because all I see is the final outcome. There may have been several obstacles or setbacks in their journey that I personally don’t want to endure!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14 NIV
In hindsight, it has been a silver lining that I did not receive some of the things that I thought I wanted or deserved. If you ever find yourself being jealous or copying someone, my suggestion would be:
- Catch it
- Forgive yourself
- Move forward as your original self
This is the same advice that I give myself, so I can testify that it works. No one is you and that is your power. That means the world needs more of you, not a copy of someone else!
The Outfit
I purchased both my dress and shoes from Express. Neither are still available, but I did find a cute alternate color block outfit that you may like!

Thank you for these powerful words!
It blessed me to write it ♥️
Ronica Thomas
This is everything! What God has for you is for you. It is not meant for us to be the same, each one of has our own spiritual gift(s) and while it may be similar it is definitely different in delivery. We can all reach people in our own unique way. Pray to God about what you desire to do and if you haven’t done that first, everything you do will be out of alignment. Period. Bless you for this ♥️??
Yes! Yes! And yes! ?? The beauty of it is that we are unique. You will miss your calling staring at someone else’s plate. The beauty of being inspired is to use the inspiration, but be uniquely YOU! ♥️ I hope this sinks in for us all. ??