• Le Twins Experience

    Le Twins Experience Podcast

    My friend Kim and I have teamed together to start a podcast! The theme for the show is Back On Our Bullsh!t is our theme because whenever Kim and I get together we laugh uncontrollably and say whatever is on our minds. We chat about current events, pop culture, and everything else under the moon and stars!

  • Happiness

    What Makes A Person Your Friend vs Your Acquaintance?

    Have you ever thought about what makes a person your friend? The reality of friendships is that there is a hierarchy; even if we don't like to admit it. Yes, the word 'friend' is overused as much as the words toxic and narcissist, but I get it. It sounds harsh to introduce someone as an associate and we are a society of people-pleasers, even when that means over embellishing. We use the word synonymously to mean that we are cool with a person and don't consider them an enemy.

  • No One Is You And That Is Your Power

    We have all heard the cliché about being ourselves. "What's meant for you won't pass you by". "In a world full of copies, be an original". "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken". "Comparison is the thief of joy". I could go on and on. We're always told to be ourselves, to be original, to embrace our uniqueness, that God made us exactly the way we are for a reason, and that each of us has a special gift that we were designed to give to the world. But do we really believe and navigate as such?

  • My Appearance on Behind The Wheel Podcast

    Have you ever virtually met a person and decided that they were your friend in your head? That is what it was like when I first began seeing Derek Oxley’s videos on Facebook! To add some context, Derek is a fellow runner with a personality as big as it is great and he is the host of the Behind The Wheel Podcast. He describes his podcast as, “morning drive time where he highlights the achievements of ordinary runners and endurance athletes who are doing extraordinary things within their sphere of influence”. And yes, sometimes he is literally behind the wheel of his car while he is recording! So, when Derek…

  • Love The Skin You’re In

    This year one of the things that I have focused on improving for my own satisfaction is the health of my skin. Not just the skin routines I recently blogged about, but the skin on my entire body. I make it a point to put on lotion when I get out of the shower each day if I am not running obnoxiously late (still working on that). I make sure to get my daily dose of natural Vitamin D from the sun. I have started wearing sunscreen on my face each day, even if I don’t plan on spending much time outside. I make sure that my scalp is happy…

  • Summer 2020: My 3 Favorite Swimsuits

    Welcome to Summer, Ladies and Gentlemen! Even if you have not ventured back into traveling I hope that you have at least been able to enjoy some of the beautiful weather this season. Because I am a runner, I can safely enjoy time outside as I cover the city on foot. I also have the benefit of having a swimming pool with enough space to social distance right outside of my window. Win, win. If you read my latest blog post, 7 Ways to Travel Safe(r) During COVID-19, then you know I recently took a trip to Amelia Island, FL. In fact, it was my first trip since shelter-in-place began…

  • 7 Ways to Travel Safe(r) During COVID-19

    Summer 2020. Raise your hand if you had a different vision in your head for not only Summer 2020 but the entire year. I know you can’t see me, but I just raised my hand. By the beginning of March, I had already taken enough flights to secure Silver Medallion status on Delta Airlines, was well on my way to Gold status, and had a low-key goal of hitting Platinum status. I had plans to go to Cartagena, Colombia for my 39th birthday in April, run the Brooklyn Half Marathon in May, zoom to Los Angeles the day after I ran in Brooklyn, drink rosé while dressed in a sparkly…