• Happiness

    What Makes A Person Your Friend vs Your Acquaintance?

    Have you ever thought about what makes a person your friend? The reality of friendships is that there is a hierarchy; even if we don't like to admit it. Yes, the word 'friend' is overused as much as the words toxic and narcissist, but I get it. It sounds harsh to introduce someone as an associate and we are a society of people-pleasers, even when that means over embellishing. We use the word synonymously to mean that we are cool with a person and don't consider them an enemy.

  • No One Is You And That Is Your Power

    We have all heard the cliché about being ourselves. "What's meant for you won't pass you by". "In a world full of copies, be an original". "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken". "Comparison is the thief of joy". I could go on and on. We're always told to be ourselves, to be original, to embrace our uniqueness, that God made us exactly the way we are for a reason, and that each of us has a special gift that we were designed to give to the world. But do we really believe and navigate as such?

  • Let’s Talk: My Feature on The Run Wave Podcast

    This year has been nothing short of amazing! I have always been blessed with having some pretty awesome people in my circle and this year has been a year of growth and collaboration for us all. A good run girlfriend of mine, Kimberley Williams, ventured into becoming a podcast host this year. Her podcast, The Run Wave Podcast, was created as an outlet for runners to discuss all things running.  She discusses topics that can’t be discussed in a 280 character tweet or an Instagram post. The Run Wave is a safe place for Runners to discuss what’s on their mind, vent about things going on within the running community, and…