• Water with fruit tastes great

    Daily Habits That Help Me Drink More Water

    Drink your water and mind your business, Sis. That is a statement that I say to myself every time I realize I am not where I am supposed to be with my daily water intake. Lately, that is often. During COVID I have been flourishing in all ways except when it comes to drinking more water. When I was free to live life outside of four walls, I practiced several habits that helped me stick to my goal of drinking half a gallon (64 ounces) of water each day. Even if I was not 100% successful, I made an attempt. I know all of the facts about the benefits of…

  • My Appearance on Behind The Wheel Podcast

    Have you ever virtually met a person and decided that they were your friend in your head? That is what it was like when I first began seeing Derek Oxley’s videos on Facebook! To add some context, Derek is a fellow runner with a personality as big as it is great and he is the host of the Behind The Wheel Podcast. He describes his podcast as, “morning drive time where he highlights the achievements of ordinary runners and endurance athletes who are doing extraordinary things within their sphere of influence”. And yes, sometimes he is literally behind the wheel of his car while he is recording! So, when Derek…

  • Let’s Talk: My Feature on The Run Wave Podcast

    This year has been nothing short of amazing! I have always been blessed with having some pretty awesome people in my circle and this year has been a year of growth and collaboration for us all. A good run girlfriend of mine, Kimberley Williams, ventured into becoming a podcast host this year. Her podcast, The Run Wave Podcast, was created as an outlet for runners to discuss all things running.  She discusses topics that can’t be discussed in a 280 character tweet or an Instagram post. The Run Wave is a safe place for Runners to discuss what’s on their mind, vent about things going on within the running community, and…