Low Maintenance
I don’t really wear a lot of makeup. I remember in college wanting to have a natural look, so that meant wearing clear lipgloss that had a bonafide shine to it. Listen, Wet n Wild’s clear lipgloss was the bomb! Then for whatever reason, I spent my late 20’s and early 30’s wearing a face powder (that will remain anonymous) that had me slayed, baby! Do you hear me?! I didn’t know how heavy it was, all I knew is that I loved that it helped my skin not look so oily. I remember going into a major beauty store to restock my makeup and a sales associate telling me the particular face powder I was wearing was: 1) the equivalent of funeral home makeup 2) originally made for photoshoots and people being filmed on TV and 3) that she only wears that particular face powder when she knows she has time to deep cleanse her face after removing it. I took what she said and put it in my mental file cabinet, but I continued wearing it each day. Then for my 35th birthday I treated myself to a spa day that included a facial. During my facial the esthetician asked me what type of makeup I wore. She confirmed what the sales associate at the beauty store told me and suggested that I switch to a mineral makeup. Earlier in the month a different sales associate at the same major makeup store told me that she doesn’t wear makeup everyday, only on the days she’s working in the store. My thought to myself is “then why am I?!”. So on that day in 2016, I made the decision to go back to my college days and do the natural look and I haven’t worn any type of face powder on a day to day basis sense that day. At first, I felt like I didn’t look the same without it. But eventually it became my norm. I’m not knocking makeup. Its fun to play dress up or add some extra “yes ma’am” to my look when I’m going out on weekends or to a special event. But Monday thru Friday I’m usually running late, so I’ve actually mastered a 10 minute makeup routine that gets me out of the door.

For the most part during the week I only fill my eyebrows in, put eyeliner or my waterline, add some blush, a lip gloss/lip stick and maybe mascara (if I don’t forget that part). In the pic above, I remembered that I have some tinted moisturizer and added that into the mix. COVID-19 has amplified my lazy routine because who wants to wear makeup to sit home in pajamas all day or cover it up with a face mask on the occasions you do go outside? With that being said my lazy routine has actually become my best routine. See how that all worked out? LOL. Check out my VLOG on the products I used for this look here. What does your day to day makeup routine look like? Has COVID-19 and quarantine life caused you to make any adjustments? Sound off in the comments below and let me know!
How I got the look: Face: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer in Walnut Brows: Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow Pomade in Ebony Blush: NARS Cosmetics in Dolce Vita Lip: Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb in Fenty Glow Mascara: Fenty Beauty Full Frontal in Cuz I'm Black Eyeliner: Sephora Colorful 12HR Wear in Black Lace

Over the last few months I’ve become more comfortable without a face full of makeup, that I didn’t know how to apply correctly anyway LOL. Just give me my Fenty Gloss or one of my favorite MAC lippie then I’m good to go. My face blemishes use to bother me a lot! I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve felt unpretty comparing my looks to other females with unblemished skin. Honestly, I don’t know when the change occurred; however, I’m grateful for the confidence gained over the past few months that allows me to go out into the world as I am naturally.
I LOVE to hear stories like this! You’ve always been beautiful without makeup. I’m glad that you know it and have confidence in that. xoxo